JDA Student and Parent Handbook

A guide to expectations inside and outside of the studio.


It is expected that all of the students will attend all of their regularly scheduled classes. Any student with poor attendance will be missing out on classroom instructions and will quickly fall behind in their training. Attendance during the three months prior to recital is crucial and students must be in class! Please ask our office staff for any further clarification or questions. Students must join by January 1 to participate in recital.

Front Desk

Please see our front desk office hours for making payments and asking questions! Our lobby will be open to parents, but windows are not always open. We encourage parents to drop off at the door to keep the lobby as open as possible for dancers and for our instructors to ensure the dancers are as safe as possible. Since the lobby is open to the public, minimal activity within it helps us to ensure the safety of the kids, particularly during class transitions, etc.


Recital fee is due by March 1 ($40 for individual, $45 for family) and costume balances must be paid in full by December 1. Accounts must be settled prior to participation in recital and/or receipt of costume. See last page of this handbook for details. A registration fee of $35 is due at the time of registration and is implemented anytime a student is unenrolled and then reenrolled. Note that there is a 2% convenience fee for credit card transactions. Students have the opportunity to waive the registration fee during early registration times designated by the director. Recital fee is non-refundable.


You must email jessicasdanceacademy@gmail.com confirming a withdrawal from any class. Account will then reflect withdrawal at that time. Simply not showing up for classes does not indicate withdrawal and charges will continue to incur until withdrawal email is received.