
30 min - $40.00

45 min - $47.00

1 hr - $54.00

1.25 hr - $61.00

1.5 hr - $68.00

1.75 hr - $75.00

2 hr - $82.00

2.25 hr - $89.00

2.5 hr - $96.00

2.75 hr - $103.00

3 hr - $110.00

3.25 hr - $116.00

3.5 hr - $122.00

3.75 hr - $128.00

4 hr - $134.00

4.25 hr - $140.00

4.5 hr - $146.00

4.75 hr - $152.00

5 hr - $158.00

5.25 hr - $163.00

5.5 hr - $168.00

5.75 hr - $173.00

6 hr - $178.00

6.25 hr - $183.00

6.5 hr - $188.00

6.75 hr - $193.00

7 hr - $197.00

7.25 hr - $201.00

7.5 hr - $205.00

7.75 hr - $209.00

8 hr - $213.00

Fee Schedule

Payment Options

You may pay directly in the office during office hours using cash or check, leave a check in the payment dropbox, or pay online via the JDA Parent Portal.

Additional Fees

* Registration fee is implemented anytime a student is un-enrolled and then re-enrolled.

† Tuition is due by the 1st of every month (new for 2024-2025 season). $15 is added to tuition if paying after the 15th. Thank you!

Common Questions

Q: What is the website URL for the JDA Parent Portal?

A: You can access the JDA Parent Portal by clicking this link or copying and pasting the following URL in your web browser (e.g., Safari, Chrome, etc.):

Please note that JDA migrated to the Jackrabbit class management platform in 2023. We recommend updating any old parent portal links to our old Studio Director system.

Q: How do I add a credit card to my account online?

A: While in the JDA Parent Portal, click the Billings and Payments option in the top menu bar, then under the Quicklinks heading next to your balance, click Saved Payment Methods. Click the green + icon and enter your credit card in the pop-up window that appears.

Q: How do I pay with a credit card online?

A: While in the JDA Parent Portal, click the Billings and Payments option in the top menu bar, then click Pay Now under your balance. Click the checkbox next to the fees you'd like to pay; you have the option to pay the fee in full or submit a partial payment. To submit a partial payment, edit the value in the Payment Amount column. When you're done, click the green Pay Now button to submit your payment.

*Note: You must click the checkbox next to the fee(s) you'd like to pay, otherwise you won't be able to submit a payment. Click the top checkbox if you'd like to select all available fees.

Q: How do I set up automatic draft payments?

A: While in the JDA Parent Portal, click the Billings and Payments option in the top menu bar, then under the Quicklinks heading next to your balance, click Membership Type.

A pop-up window will appear with an option to choose either Self-pay to manually submit payments every month or Auto-pay to have your fees automatically drafted every month.

Q: Why does it look like I owe so much money, I thought some of the charges on my account weren't due for a few months?

A: Reading your account balance can be a little confusing. The current balance you see listed on your account Dashboard and Billings & Payments pages include all charges posted to your account from today until well into the future. This balance does not specify the amount that is currently due.

From the Billings & Payments page, scroll down to see the full list of all posted charges. The first column shows the date a charge is due and the last column shows a running balance.

For example, you're looking for what you owe as of December 1, scroll down until you get to the appropriate charges. In this example, although there is a grand total of $2411.04 due for all charges, only $1359.18 of that balance due by December 1.

Q: How can I tell what this charge on my account is for?

A: While on the Billings & Payments page, locate and click on the charge you'd like to get more information about. A pop-up window will appear with additional details about the charge (e.g., which student the charge is for, which class the charge is for, etc.)